jueves, febrero 10, 2011

Short Essay: My belief.

Hace no mucho me pidieron que escribiera un ensayo hablando de mi religión, es un poco limitado pues no quería excederme en el numero de palabras, es super básico pero digamos que me parece algo interesante de publicar pues es un tema que nunca he tocado por estos lares.

Nowadays there is a lot of religions, in our current society there are many religions to choose, but I haven't found one that completely fits with my own beliefs, and that’s why I consider myself an agnostic.

If we search for the word agnostic in the dictionary we would get that “it’s a person who is not sure whether or not God exists and that thinks that we cannot know it either”. And that exactly what I think.

I believe that maybe there is a greater power (which people usually call God) and that greater power is the responsible of the Big Bang (yes, I agree with that theory). Lets say that it can be the one who created everything, but what makes me doubt is Who created that ‘God’? Why and how is he/she/it there? No one knows, so there might not be any God.

For me, the main reason for human being to have a God is that they need something to rely on, someone to ask for mercy when things are going wrong, someone to blame when anything happens. For me is the clearest sign that the human being is coward and selfish by nature.

When I was a child I used to be a catholic because that’s my mom’s belief, she is not the nest catholic I’ve ever met because she doesn’t go to church neither prays or anything, but she tried to teach me to be a good catholic. It worked for a long time, but while I was growing up a lot of questions came out and I started judging my religion because it wasn’t able to answer me properly all the questions about our own existence and stuff like that.

That’s why sooner than later I realized that it didn’t work for me and I tried to find my own path, and I ended up not having the answer to anything but also, I don’t care anymore. I have no intentions at all to find out all those answers and I just live my life without worrying about it.

Yep, and that's all for the moment...
Victoria B.

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